

#ArchiveDay happens every Saturday, all day.

It's open to anyone with a blog; all you need to do is tweet a link to an old post, using the hashtag #ArchiveDay. 

Then follow the tag through the day, and re-tweet others with that tag.

The idea is that you also read other blogs, and that other tweeters read your blog. You never know; you might find a blog you want to follow in future - and some Twitter friends to boot!


  1. What a great idea! I'm still getting the hang off Twitter, but I'll have ago at joining in with this one.

  2. This I've not heard of before - what a very good idea :D

  3. I love this idea, and I'll be joining you on Saturday. =0)
    I actually found out about this via twitter from another blogger.



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Please remember: it's fine if we have different views, as long as we have them without making personal attacks!