I almost didn’t leave the house today.
I aim to leave the house at least once a day, even if I
feel like crap and there is nothing I need to do. Quite often in the mornings I
will pack S into her pushchair and we will go for a ridiculously long walk.
Having suffered to a certain extent with depression, and
considering myself to still be somewhat at risk of its return, I am ever
mindful of needing to stay one step ahead of the black dog. For me this means
making sure I eat reasonably well, take my vitamins, fish oils and various other
supplements daily, see friends, have adult conversations, exercise, and get out
of the house whenever I can. On a day when I have seen a friend for a chat, I notice
the difference at the end of the day. On a day when I’ve not been out of the
house, I really notice the difference
at the end of the day!
This morning my sister in law came round with my niece for
an hour or so, but I was planning to go out after they left, or perhaps after
lunch when S had her nap. I try to time my leaving the house to coincide with
her naps, because she always falls asleep in the pushchair or sling any way,
and if she does that on top of a nap, bed time is far from fun. But when my
sister in law left I did some housework instead, and then S had a ridiculously
early (and long) nap which I didn’t want to wake her from just for the sake of
getting out of the house. So I waited, and waited, and then it seemed like it
was probably too late.
My ex’s daughter started a new school this morning. She was
only moved there because I filled in the forms for her, and then sorted out her
acceptance documents from my hospital bed after S was born. I know how excited
she was to get a place there, and how much she will have been looking forward
to starting there. I still have the thank-you card she gave me when she got the
letter offering her a place there. I really wished I could have seen her or
spoken to her to wish her well, but I know that’s not possible. By the time S
woke from her nap this afternoon my reason for not wanting to go out had more
to do with not wanting to bump into this girl on her way home from school. I
miss her and her siblings terribly, but I also worry that they all hate me and
would not react well to seeing me now. I do not imagine that anything even
remotely pleasant has been said about me in that house for quite some time now.
Half-way through a Biggest Loser double bill though, I gave
myself a stern talking-to. In the almost 4 months since S’s father left, I have
bumped into him or members of his family around town precisely once, and that
was my own fault for not taking note of what time it was when I was near the
place his bus drops off in the mornings. It is ridiculous to stay home in order to avoid an 11-year-old girl who probably didn’t even go
home through town today any way. So I bundled S into the sling and went for a
little wander to post some letters and have a browse around Tesco. We were out
for less than half an hour, and it was the highlight of my day. It’s easy to
just stay in this flat, have my shopping delivered and only venture into town
at times I’m not likely to run into anyone I don’t want to see. But I have done
nothing wrong, and really, much as I appreciate people suggesting I should put
a curtain over my front door so that nobody can tell whether I’m in or not, and
avoid going anywhere near places I might bump into people who might be mean to
me, that to me is cowardly behaviour, suggesting that I am ashamed of something.
I would rather not have anyone shout abuse or accuse me of being an unfit mother in the middle of town, but really, that sort of thing reflects more on the person doing the shouting, doesn’t it? And I’d be a less fit mother (in both senses of the word) if I didn’t go out for some fresh air every day.
I would rather not have anyone shout abuse or accuse me of being an unfit mother in the middle of town, but really, that sort of thing reflects more on the person doing the shouting, doesn’t it? And I’d be a less fit mother (in both senses of the word) if I didn’t go out for some fresh air every day.
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