Saturday, 2 February 2013

Our Week: 28th January - 3rd February

baby in spotty onesie tries to steal mummy's glasses

Monday 28th January
Having been to the doctor for her nasty, snotty cold, S developed a rash over the weekend. So back to the doctor this morning. This necessitated cancelling both the morning appointment with a lady from Home Start, and an afternoon appointment for physio because of the time of the only available appointment. Home to find scaffolders encasing the entire building in poles and planks. Delayed visit from Home Start co-ordinator for a chat about life, death and the cosmos.

Tuesday 29th January
More scaffolders, more noise, less light coming through the windows. S super grumpy from poorliness. Stayed in the house all day. Brief afternoon visit from A with Costa and tissues. Did I mention she's a bloody legend?

Wednesday 30th January
Up early and off to visit the council and hand in various documents to show I have no money. The important document, the one they need in order to pay my housing benefit, has not arrived from the other benefit office yet, so I can't submit it. Brief trawl around town, then home to spend a day making mess and giggles with S. Managed to dye my hair and cook curry as well. House looks like a bomb has hit it. Who cares!

Thursday 31st January
Boring morning spent doing not a lot. Sister A came round at lunch time and looked after S for an hour while I popped out. Visit from F when I came home, afternoon spent playing with an S who refused to nap. There were a distinct lack of zeds throughout the day, evening or night.

Friday 1st February
Celebrated the first of the month with an early morning jaunt to the Job Centre in the rain. First time I've set foot in the place and I have to say it stinks of despair and despondency. Even the security guard looked dishevelled. Home for a brief visit from sister Z. Grumpy S meant an afternoon Baby Jake marathon. Heaven help us all.

Saturday 2nd February
Morning spent cleaning and tidying. Afternoon spent working (!) in a local pub while my sisters A and Z split S-sitting duties. S had a fabulous time, and so did I. To be explained in a proper post soon, most probably. S in bed late in a Tigger onesie.

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