Wednesday, 16 October 2013

All About Me

Jane from Ethan's Escapades tagged me to take part in this "All About Me MEME" which I thought might be fun. I believe the original idea came from Gina at Cold Tea and Smelly Nappies.

So here we go:

1. First off tell us your name and what you do (nice easy one there)…
My name is Vicky. Technically I am still employed as an inbound call centre operative for a pension company. But I'm redundant and on gardening leave, pending a move into self employment.

2. I live at home with…
My beautiful little girl S. Nobody else, just the two of us.

3. My favourite thing to do is…
Anything that involves cuddles with S to be honest!

4. My favourite thing to eat is…
Ha this changes practically daily! At the moment I really would like... I don't even know! I think half my problem is that I don't know precisely what I want to eat, so I eat a load of rubbish, trying to find that one thing that really tastes good. This is something that could feasibly be transferred to other areas of my life, also. I've not really answered that question, sorry.

5. When I get cross I…
Cry. And it's really annoying. When I'm really angry about something, I end up crying and then the person I am angry with doesn't take me seriously. It doesn't happen too often nowadays though, since I cut all ties with the main culprit. 

6. Sometimes I worry because…
S only has me. And because of the people I feel are just waiting for their opportunity to take her from me. I never let go of her hand; I never take my eyes off her. I would never lose track of her at soft play or a children's party; I can't afford to. I can't afford to be ill, to get run over, to have appendicitis. I must be in good health from now until she is old enough to understand the danger, and to take care of herself.

7. My favourite book is…
At the moment, I'm loving The F Factor by Damsels in Success, which I would recommend to any woman running her own business. I'm one of those people whose favourite anything changes on a weekly basis, so do feel free to ask me this question again next week!

8. My favourite toy is (easy now)…
Does a Kindle count as a toy? I bought mine 3 years ago, and I love it! I read so much more since I bought it. It's so easy to carry around in your handbag, but also since you can use it one-handed and turn the page with your thumb. Perfect for breastfeeding... or for long evenings rocking your child back and forth in a buggy, as I have been doing lately.

9. I dislike…
Wow, I really had to think about this one. I dislike a lot of little things - like toast crumbs in my bed, or getting into the shower before I realise I've run out of shampoo. But I suppose really I should think of something a little more worthy here. 
At the moment, I hate the media furore surrounding benefits claimants. Sixty per cent of UK families claim benefits, but certain news papers and several TV "documentaries" lately have vilified us all as being feckless scroungers. It sickens me to the core.
Oh, and Coldplay, of course. I fucking hate Coldplay.

10. When I grow up I want to be…
I still have no clue about this. I do know that I don't want to be working in pensions, and that I'm enjoying what I'm doing at the moment - so perhaps, at 32 years of age, I'm finally heading in the right direction.

Ok, I think now I need to "tag" five more bloggers to answer the same question... Apologies if you've already done this; I'm terribly bad for keeping up with my reading so I never know where people are with these things... 

Craig from A Day In This Dad's Life
Amy from In Bloom
Laura from My Life as a Mummy
Emma at Bubba Blue and Me
Lauren at Woman With Baby


  1. Ha I was just about to tag you in mine ;) x

  2. Thank you for tagging me in this. My post is now up.

    Can really relate to your angry and cry point.

    x x x

  3. This is great fun, isn't it? Always interesting to find out a bit more about folk. I love that your favourite things change all the time - shows you're always exploring!


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