Friday, 27 June 2014

Weekend Blog Hop 2014-06-28

Welcome back to the #WeekendBlogHop!

I hope everyone has had a fabulous week.

This week Tots100 announced they are dropping Kred from their metrics and replacing it with Instagram. With that in mind, Laura and I have decided to make this week's Weekend Blog Hop the usual blog linky, but also an Instagram link-up, where you can add a link to your Instagram page and follow others.

As Laura and I are hosting, we would ask that everyone linking up please follow us:
Here is my Instagram profile
Here is Laura's Instagram profile

This week I have chosen the Bloggers' Showcase...

I've chosen this post from Deb's Random Writings
It's a long post, but so moving. I defy any parent to read this post and not weep a little at what this family has gone through before finally getting a diagnosis for Gregs. I love that Debs ends the post on such a positive note, when it would be so easy for her to have become bitter and angry.

My Life As A Mummy

Note: The above badge is for the Bloggers Showcase Only. If you would like the Weekend Blog Hop Badge, you can find it at the bottom of this post.

Now for the #WeekendBlogHop

The rules are simple:
  • Link up your BLOG. Do not link up individual posts; these will be removed. 
  • Comment on the most recent post of the two blogs ahead of you in the linky. If you have already commented on that post, pick the post published before that. 
  • You can comment on more if you like!
  • If you tweet your blog using #WeekendBlogHop and tag @mylifeasamummyx and @singlemahoy we will RT as many as possible.
Link up your BLOG here

Link up your INSTAGRAM here

My Life As A Mummy

Have a fabulous weekend all!


  1. Thank you for hosting :) have just linked up for the first time. Will add the badge somewhere on my blog the next time I'm on my laptop, too fiddly to on my phone! Xx

  2. Hi Vicky, I just popped over to link up for the Weekend Blog Hop to find that my post has been showcased. Thank you, it's a rather pleasant surprise.

    I am afraid that I don't have an instagram account, so I am unable to follow either you or Laura. When I looked into it I needed a smartphone of sorts - which I don't have - not yet anyway!


Do please leave a comment and let me know your view!

Comments are moderated, so your comment will not appear straight away.

Please remember: it's fine if we have different views, as long as we have them without making personal attacks!


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