Saturday 13 April 2013

Things I Have Not Done

  • I have not had more than half an hour to myself for 3 days.
  • I have not slept more than 2 hours in a row since Tuesday.
  • I have not been able to do so much as go to the toilet without taking a sniffling, screaming, separation anxiety-fraught baby with me. Even then she screams when I put her down on the floor right next to me and must be clinging to me at all times.
  • I have not called the council to chase up their repair of my bedroom and bathroom ceilings after the roof leak.
  • I have not called the doctor to make an appointment for S to have her 1 year jabs (including MMR)
  • I have not called the council to get them to put child-proof safety latches on my windows.
  • I have not sorted through a year's worth of S's old clothes, photographed them and put them on one website or another to sell.
  • I have not checked through my wardrobe to see if there is something sensible to wear to work in an office.
  • I have not vacuumed the living room floor for an alarming number of days.
  • I have not bought and stewed more apples for S's supper.
  • I have not studied this week's material in my English module.
  • I have not started the assignment that is due in next week.
  • I have not cleaned the kitchen.
  • I have not started a Tesco online order, and we are running out of food.
  • I have not taken the living room apart in an attempt to find the missing stereo remote.
  • I have not done the hand and foot prints I promised myself I'd do with S this week.
  • I have not sorted through S's toys to get rid of the ones that are too young for her.
  • I have not made a list of relevant information for the calls I need to make on my first day back at work (stop Income Support, start Tax Credits, that sort of thing)
  • I have not made a list of the questions I need to ask the nursery
  • I have not sorted out a suitable work handbag for me, or a nursery bag for S.
  • I have not taken S to the library to choose more books.
  • I have not written a proper blog post.
  • I have not given S a bath today.
  • I have not done the washing
  • I have not done the washing up
  • I have not taken the bins out
  • I have not sorted out the recycling
  • I have not tidied up the toys in my bedroom
  • I have not cleaned the bathroom
I have also not called a local charity to see if they will swap my large sofa for a smaller one, so that I can take an armchair off my mum's hands. This is what she's most concerned about; I need to "get on and do it" apparently. 

Nothing like a bit of family support, is there. Ah well, onwards and upwards; nobody's going to help me so I'd better just get on with it myself.

This post was a bit miserable and self-pitying, so I made a more positive one here about the things I have achieved.

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  1. Don't forget you have also not given up, not gone back to that idiot, not crumbled and instead stood strong and provided a home and great start to your daughter's life. But I know how you feel, my to do list seems unmanageable most of the time and I've only got myself to look after!

  2. Exactly what Caroline said. You also have not done bad at all x

  3. Omg how hectic, I am sending you good thoughts and really hope you manage to get some sleep soon!! Xx


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