Wednesday 19 June 2013

More Psychiatric "Services"

This is the latest in a series of posts about a breakdown I had in 2010.

Breakdown Snowdon single mother ahoy
Me, at the top of Snowdon -
better therapy than anything Psychiatric Services had to offer!

Although I am glad to have been allowed to take gardening leave from work, I am well enough to recognise that sitting about navel-gazing is not the best thing for me right now. At first I continue to go to Group Therapy, and to sit in cafes reading books.

A different lady from Psychiatric Services calls and asks me to go in for another interview. When I get there, she looks at my notes and realises I have already had a preliminary interview, which is what she had been planning to do with me. She tells me I have ended up with her through a series of errors. My GP originally referred me to Primary Care, and when that wasn't working she referred me to CMHT (Community Mental Health Team). CMHT then referred me back to Primary Care (no explanation as to why), and Primary Care referred me to this lady. She is Intermediate Care. If I ever get to see a proper therapist, that'll be Secondary Care. I resist the urge to point out that, since they are dealing with people who have a reduced ability to function, perhaps they should make these things a little more simple.

She tells me there is a 4-month waiting list for any one-to-one assistance, but I can continue to see Primary Care (the counsellor who seemed scared of me and was no help). There is a group called Working Through Depression that starts next month, and they've put me on the list for it. She thinks the course runs for 8 weeks. Meanwhile, I can join some Open Groups. I tell her I am already doing those, and they are not helping.

I wonder what a person has to do in order to get proper psychiatric care around here.

Having visited a friend in the locked ward recently, it seems even getting sectioned doesn't guarantee any sort of assistance to get back on one's feet.

The story continues here

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1 comment:

  1. I jumped in here on #ArchiveDay. Then I had to go back and read all the way from the beginning. Oh, m'dear. And I thought mental health services in the states were bad.


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