Thursday 29 August 2013

Review: Blanket from Ninny Baby

A little while back, a lady on Twitter asked me if I'd like one of her blankets to review, and included a link to her Etsy shop, Ninny Baby.
I clicked the link, thinking, "uh... home made blanket... Hmmm..." And then I saw the photos of the blankets, and I nearly bit her arm off.

I chose a colour, and it arrived by courier a few days later, beautifully packaged up.

Ninny baby blanket single mother ahoy

Call me stupid, but it really makes a big difference to me that it was sent packaged in tissue paper, in a box and not just shoved in a plastic postage bag.

This blanket is gorgeous.

Ninny baby blanket single mother ahoy

It's hand-crocheted on one side, with ribbon bows and a tiny rosebud which are a lovely touch. On the other side is beautiful, cosy brushed cotton with an amazing pattern on it. 

Ninny baby blanket single mother ahoy

Here's a close-up of the pattern and the rosebuds.

And here's a close-up of the stitching:

Ninny baby blanket single mother ahoy

I've been given crocheted blankets before, and they were very stiff and hard, and took several washes to soften them up before they felt like actual blankets. This one is not like that. It was soft and cuddly from the moment I took it out of the packaging.

The lovely part of this blanket is that it's 30 by 30 inches, meaning it's larger than a lot of baby blankets you get - so you can get a lot of use out of it before your darling bundle grows out of it.

These blankets come in several different colours. When I was looking through the shop to write this review, I found myself clicking on most of them going "d'oh, I should have ordered that one/that one/that one!" They're all so beautiful and would make a lovely present for a new baby or even a bigger baby now that the weather is heading towards Autumn. 

They cost £30, which is a little steep for a blanket, but this is not just some piece of fleece with a cartoon character printed on it. What you're paying for is the hard work and personal attention that has gone into the blanket. I think something like this is a lovely gift to give to a new baby because it will last until that baby is a toddler and wants to cuddle up on the sofa on a cold Sunday afternoon. It's the sort of thing your eighteen-year-old going off to university sneaks into a bag when your back is turned.

Disclaimer: I was provided with a blanket free of charge in exchange for writing this review, but that was not dependent on my writing a favourable review. All words and opinions are my own. 

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely blanket! I love homemade blankets. I am going to bookmark this, eventually I will have another friend or family member with a little one.


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