Friday 30 August 2013

Follow-up Review: The Braun Silk-epil Epilator

You may remember a while back, I reviewed the Braun Silk-epil Epilator that the people at Chemist Direct kindly sent me.

If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you will remember my complaining about the whole arm-pit epilatating situation.

Well, now it's a month on and I thought it might be good to do a follow-up post.

Single Mother Ahoy Silk-epil Epilator

This is where the epilator lives now, on the window ledge in my bathroom.  

The first time I epilated my arm pits, I thought I was going to cry. It hurt, and I spent the day at work feeling like I must have visible bruises under my arms. But a friend told me that it gets easier, so I stuck at it. It did still hurt, but after a little while I suppose my skin got used to it or something.

I am now a convert to epilating, big time. You know how, if you don't shave your arm pits for a few days you get horrible, obvious stubble and have to put that vest top back in the cupboard for another day? Well, when you epilate, you can leave it a few days because all the hair doesn't grow back at once. So you don't get stubble, you just get a few odd hairs here and there that realistically, nobody is going to notice unless they pay far too much attention to your arm pits.

But you do need to remember to exfoliate regularly, or it can get really quite irritating.

Disclaimer: I was provided with a Braun Silk-epil epilator free of charge in exchange for this review, but that was not dependent on my writing a favourable review. All words and opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. You're braver than me! I tried it twice and gave up. What about your bikini line?


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